Welcome to INPUT: The Story Behind Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms By Gravity Forms Published September 14, 2021

Story Behind GFToday we are excited to announce the launch of a new project from the Gravity Forms team: INPUT! Coming at you through video and podcast, INPUT tells the stories of people who are doing something creative, sharing the ins and outs of how their industries work, and providing insight for WordPress’s growing community of problem solvers.

And for the first ever episode of INPUT, getting the story behind Gravity Forms was the natural choice. In this fascinating interview, the founders of Gravity Forms – Alex Cancado, Carl Hancock, and Kevin Flahaut – tell all about the origins of Rocketgenius, the launch of Gravity Forms, and what it takes to run a successful plugin business at scale.

So, are you ready for INPUT? Here’s episode 1:

Note: Find INPUT’s content on YouTube, Apple, and Spotify, with new episodes released every Tuesday. Follow on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

The Growth of Gravity Forms

As you will have heard in the Gravity Forms interview above, the last couple of years have led to big growth for the company.

With new staff, new initiatives, and a major product release, 2020/21 has seen unprecedented changes, which have focused on the adaptation and innovation of both Gravity Forms the product and Rocketgenius the company.

Let’s take a look at some of these recent developments in more detail…

Gravity Forms the Product

Here at Gravity Forms, we are continuously striving to ensure our customers can do more with our plugin. Over the past few years we have seen numerous developments to both Gravity Forms and its many add-ons.

Gravity Forms 2.5

Gravity Forms v2.5 has been at the heart of all product developments throughout 2020/21. The release of 2.5 was long anticipated by our customers, and it didn’t disappoint. With new features and functionality across the board, 2.5 boasts a beautiful redesigned form editor UI, intuitive drag-and-drop column control, and a shift to accessible form building.

Gravity Forms 2.5 has been a major achievement for the Rocketgenius team, helping us to re-position ourselves as the #1 form builder for businesses and web professionals. The improvements to the form editor saw a complete overhaul of the backend user-experience, providing a slick, modern look and feel, with new streamlined ways of working.

Alongside the form editor refresh, 2.5 also had a key focus on accessibility. Providing our community with the tools to fulfill their form-building requirements is always a top priority for all of our team here at Gravity Forms, and we are delighted that with Gravity Forms 2.5 users now have the ability to easily create accessible forms that are WCAG 2.1 AA compliant.

Gravity Forms Add-Ons

Alongside the development of our core plugin, the Gravity Forms Product team has also worked tirelessly to create, develop, and support an array of new and existing add-ons.

2020/21 has seen many businesses and business processes moving online – from customer engagement and retention, to accepting payments through websites – enabling many businesses to remain ‘open’ throughout the on-going pandemic.

During this period we have looked to support businesses and align our plugin with the needs of our customers, which has led to the release and development of numerous payment Add-Ons including…

as well as a focus on anti-spam Add-Ons…

Would you like to have a say on the future of Gravity Forms? Use the Gravity Forms Roadmap to submit a new idea or share your thoughts on other issues that you think would help make Gravity Forms an even better and more well-rounded product.

Community: At the Heart of All that We Do

Community is at the heart of all that we do here at Gravity Forms and we pride ourselves on working closely with our third-party developers who, over the years, have developed useful and dynamic plugins to extend and enhance Gravity Forms.

Our commitment to the Gravity Forms community, and the ecosystem of add-ons that surround our plugin, was cemented last year with the creation of the Certified Developer Program. This invite-only program has been designed to support and promote third-party developers and their premium add-ons, which ultimately enable our customers to do even more with Gravity Forms.

Our certified developers are trusted, long-term members of the Gravity Forms community, with track records for reliability, security, and support, and we are delighted to be able to recommend each and every one of their add-ons to all our customers.

The certified add-ons provide extra features and functionality not available in the Gravity Forms plugin, enabling users to further enhance forms, solve niche problems, and create unique solutions.

If you are a third-party add-on developer, interested in finding out more about our Certified Developer program, please get in contact.

The Growth of Rocketgenius

Over the last two years, Rocketgenius has grown as a company, increasing the number of employees, as well as our skillset and expertise.

During 2020/21 Rocketgenius has welcomed new employees to our product, marketing, support, web, and operations teams. We have also seen long-standing employees move to new positions, sharing their knowledge and experience across the company.

The expansion of Rocketgenius is important for our Gravity Forms customers as it means we can implement new product developments, features, add-ons, resources, and more, as well as offer further support and increase the reach of our plugin within the form builder market. (The launch of INPUT being a prime example of this!)

As a company we are truly excited about the growth of our team and the opportunities it presents for Gravity Forms moving forwards!

A New Gravity Forms Website (Coming Soon!)

For the last year, our web design team has been working tirelessly on a complete overhaul of the Gravity Forms website, which we are hoping will go live before 2022!

Both Rocketgenius and Gravity Forms have received a complete brand refresh that does both justice to our powerful form builder while reflecting the integrity and authenticity of our company.

And with the new website, alongside stunning aesthetics, you’ll find new and improved customer workflows, helping our community to easily navigate the site – we know you’re going to love the superior experience that this update provides!

Not Yet a Gravity Forms Customer?

Love what you’ve heard about Gravity Forms and the direction the company is moving in? Ready to make a purchase and join our community?

Head on over to our Pricing page to view the Gravity forms licenses and choose the right option for your form building needs!

Subscribe to INPUT!

We hope you enjoyed the first episode of INPUT. New episodes will be released every Tuesday. Join us on…

You can also follow on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.